Registration 2023

Hello Everyone,

The League’s Registration fee of $85 for full time players remains the same from last year.

The Registration form is a fillable PDF format allowing you to directly enter the information. Save the Registration form on your computer, open it and input the required information and then return the completed form by email to  by March 10, 2023. If you prefer you can also print the completed PDF form mail to Ottawa 60+ Slo-Pitch League, 6084 Willowbark Drive, Orleans, Ont. K1C 5T8.

Please note that the Waiver form must be signed and returned to us for insurance purposes before you play in our League. Instructions of how to return the completed Waiver are provided on the form itself.

We will also send reminders as we get closer to the start of the to return the Registration and Waiver forms.

A reply back by email would also be appreciated if you don’t plan to return to our League so that we can maintain an accurate and complete player database.

If you have any questions or technical difficulties, please get back to me by email.

I look forward to seeing everyone back on the baseball diamond and to having another successful and fun summer playing ball.

Robin Boyd
President, Ottawa 60+ Slo-Pitch League