Online Survey

Hello Slo-Pitch Players

With valuable assistance from Lorne Abugov, we have established an online survey as a new communications tool to obtain your ideas and input into league operations and rule changes. It is important to emphasize, however, that the continued success of our league strongly depends on the support and participation of all of its members. With this in mind, our first survey consists of two key questions that have come up from our 2023 year-end survey and generally throughout the year from players: 1) adjusting the start time of the two games each Tuesday, and; 2) the overall length of the regular and playoff season. We have added a third question dealing with the home run rule to provide more content to our inaugural survey attempt.

The survey is easy to complete and should not take more than a minute to do. I ask that you please take the time to complete the survey as the results will provide the basis for making any improvements to the league’s operations. A healthy response rate and a clear statement of support or non-support are key to making informative decisions.  After completing the survey, if you have any comments about the questions or our ongoing use of surveys in general, please email me at

The survey will close on Tuesday March 26.

The link to the online survey is .

There is also a link available on our website at

Thank you and I look forward to receiving your feedback.

Robin Boyd, President



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