Hello Ballplayers
Every year at this time, the League holds elections for the Executive Committee that is responsible for all league activities. We always need a few people to step forward to join the Executive Committee and help guide the League as we organize for next season. Please consider getting involved, either as a candidate or by persuading another capable individual to stand for election.
This year three of our five Executive positions are up for renewal, League President,
VP Social and Treasurer. You can find the Job Descriptions HERE.
As in the past, the vote will be by secret ballot at the diamonds.
Bear in mind that you can nominate someone for a role (get that person’s approval, first) or you can self-nominate (that is, volunteer yourself).
Absence from Ottawa (for any snowbirds) is not a barrier to holding one of the positions as the monthly meetings are held virtually. You can be located anywhere and still participate. The success of our league depends on the availability of volunteers to keep things running smoothly.
July 29 to August 16: Nominations
August 20 & 27: Elections by secret ballot at the diamonds.
Following the close of nominations, the candidates will be announced and instructions provided on how to participate in the vote.
Dave Tripp has kindly volunteered to look after the nominations and the election process this year.
Nominations (or questions) can be submitted by sending an email to Dave Tripp at <dtripp1661@rogers.com>
When submitting nominations please include the name(s) of the nominator(s) and the contact information for the nominee.
Thank you for your attention to this important matter.
Robin Boyd, League President