5 Pin Bowling

Hello fellow ballplayers.
As Vice-President of Social for our league, I look forward to working with the Executive team to make 2025 a fun year of friendly competition.  Speaking of friendly competition, I’d like to organize a fun event before the slo-pitch season starts.  Let’s meet for 5 pin bowling at Merivale lanes on Tuesday February 25 at 11:00 am at 1916 Merivale Rd in Nepean.
The cost for bowling is $8.00 per person, plus $3.50 to rent bowling shoes.  For more information on the Merivale Bowling Lanes see their website at : https://merivalebowlingcentre.com/
If you are interested, please send a message to vpsocial.ottawa60plusslopitch@gmail.com and I will put you on the attendees list.
Please confirm your attendance by Sunday February 23.  Friends, spouses and family members are welcome to attend.  I look forward to seeing you at Merivale Lanes on February 25.  And stay tuned for other pre-season events.
Thank you
Chris Fraser