
The Ottawa 60+ Slo-Pitch League has about 150 men and women 60 years or better who get together every week to play ball, have some fun, and to form new friendships. We have social events and other activities, and new players don’t feel like strangers for very long. 

The Registration form is a fillable PDF format allowing you to directly enter the information. Input the required information and save the Registration Form on your computer. Then return the completed form by email to ottawa60plusslopitch@gmail.com  

New Players Download Registration form HERE.

More information HERE

Getting involved is easy. Just let us know you are interested. We all join as individuals, each spring. Then the League lists the registered players and creates new teams that are evenly balanced. A new mix of players on the teams means that several other players on a team are meeting for the first time also.

How good must you be? Players must be able to run the 20 metres between bases. Other skills are valuable, but they can be learned or improved.

We have a variety of social activities, from post-game gatherings over beverages to special luncheons at sponsoring restaurants. Each season begins and ends with a breakfast event that is always well attended. Everyone is welcome at these events.

What about the game? We play Tuesday mornings at the RA Centre. Our game is based on 3-pitch softball. The team at bat provides the pitcher. His/her task is to deliver an easy-to-hit ball to the batter. Over time, the League has realized that three pitches might not be enough. Our rules provide up to four pitches. Other rules have been adapted to make the game safer, easier, and more enjoyable for senior players.

If it sounds like fun but your playing days are over, you should know that we have volunteer umpires and scorekeepers. Your help in either capacity would be most welcome. You bring the enthusiasm, and we’ll show you what to do.
Others over 60 may sharpen their tennis game or hunt for foursomes to play golf. Not our boys and girls of summer. Every week they’re on the diamond, looking to stretch a single into a double. Well, they do their best, but the important thing is that they have fun. They also like to remind one another that ‘the older we get, the better we were.’

So, welcome to the Ottawa 60+ Slo-Pitch League.
Join us.