Hello League Players
We are introducing a more streamlined registration process this year. First, rather than asking for the same information that has already been collected and entered into our database, we are only interested in any changes in your personal information that may have occurred since the end of the last season. Second, the registration process will consist of only email communications as opposed to completing and returning registration forms. Signed waiver forms will still be required but this will be accomplished at the ball diamond when you come to the first game.
Please note that as a result of increased rental fees imposed by the RA Centre, we are required to increase our registration fees to $95 from $85 in 2024. This is the League’s first fee increase at least since 2018.
It is very important therefore, that you respond to this email by March 14, 2025 if you are planning to return and if so, if you want to remain full time or part time players. If you don’t reply, we will assume that you will not be returning. If you are returning as a full-time player, please be sure that you can play at least 2/3 of the season. If not, then please consider joining as a part time player.
Please email your response by replying to this email (ottawa60plusslopitch@gmail.com).
It is also important to indicate in your email response how you will pay the registration fee – by internet etransfer or by cheque. More detailed directions are provided at the end of this invitation. Please make payment by the March 14 deadline. We can only register you once payment has been received.
In your email response, please also only include any changes to last year’s registration form which could include address and phone number changes, changes in your health condition that you think, your future team captain should be aware of, any change to your CPR status if you indicated as such last year, and any changes related to your emergency contact (name, address, phone number). If you are not sure if there are changes, include the information anyways.
If you wish, you can indicate if you want to be matched up with another player such as scorekeepers, spouses/partners and nearby neighbours and if you have a preferred position in the field that is different from last year.
A couple of footnotes: 1) we are hoping to expand to 12 teams this year which appears to be feasible based on the number of players we had for 10 teams in 2024 and the number of additional part-time players who would have liked to play full time. So, it is important to reply to this invitation by March 14. 2) We will be asking for volunteers to be Team Captains and Umpires after our registration is completed and we know who is coming back.
I look forward to seeing all of you back on the ball diamond this year and to another fun, successful 60+ slo-pitch season.
Peter Atkinson, President
Attachment: Directions for Fee Payment (Full Time Players Only)
(Please note that Chery Ferguson has kindly returned as the interim Treasurer of our League.)
If Payment is by Cheque:
Please make cheque payable to Ottawa 60+ Slo-Pitch League and mail to Ottawa 60+ Slo-Pitch League, 6084 Willowbark Drive, Orleans, Ont. K1C 5T8. If you intend to hand deliver an envelope with the payment to the Treasurer’s address, please advise Chery by email (treasurer.ottawa60plusslopitch@gmail.com) before doing so as there is no mailbox at the house.
If Payment is by Interac E-transfer:
Please send to treasurer.ottawa60plusslopitch@gmail.com
If you have previously sent money to the treasurer and still have the above receiving email as your “Payee”, there is no security question or answer required as the League account has an automatic deposit. In the MESSAGE Box, please identify the name of the player who is registering for the 2025 season to ensure the monies received matches up with the registering player.
If you have not yet set up the League’s treasurer’s email as a “Payee” with your bank, you may have to include a security question and answer. Please use the following for the Security Question: “position on field” and as the Security Answer: “shortstop” (excluding quotation marks). Once this is entered and you proceed to create the e-transfer, a message will indicate that an automatic deposit has been set up for this “Payee”. Also make sure the treasurer’s email is entered accurately as the Payee. In the MESSAGE Box, please identify the name of the player who is registering for the 2025 season to ensure the monies received matches up with the registering player.